25 July 2008

Looking up from the haze.

It seems that even the most steadfast and stubborn of people will succumb to the all-devouring social-networking hydra that is Facebook, (except my friend Derek who is still hideously addicted to Everquest after all these years). From the depths of (very) short-lived enthusiasm when I created a profile back in March (afterwhich I did exactly nothing for months) to the sudden burst of activity in late June, now I find that no day is complete without at least once visit per day to see what my friends have been up to and so on. Facebook, like Tupperware or any other pernicious drug, is like an addiction - Tupperware just costs more to indulge in. Yes, I'm looking at you Jennie....

What do you get when your wife notices that your hair appears to be thinning in a rather odd way? Rather like parallel lines running back from your forehead... I looked in the mirror and sure enough, almost like racing stripes, were the areas of hair defficiency that Jennie was talking about. "Cool!" I thought, "Male Patterned Baldness." The reality however is more than a little mundane, and with less scope for the Advanced Hair Studio to play with, when I realised that the hair was merely clumped and jammed together by the combination of sweat and motorcycle helmet from earlier that evening. Oh well, at least I look better wearing my helmet than Shane Warne does sitting under that stupid looking lamp set up. (Maybe someone should try telling Shane that treating your hair like it's a plant just isn't going to work, even if your head is full of shit ... errr ... fertiliser.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY - an entry!!! No go over to facebook and write crude comments on my baby photos ;)