30 January 2008

Back from The Long Dark

Well, one step closer to having a domestic internet service now that the phone cable is laid in place. Now all I have to do is wait until someone at Telstra can muster up the heroic level of energy required to flick a bloody switch and ACTIVATE OUR PHONE SERVICE! I'm interested to know why it takes 3 weeks for the phone to be connected (we ordered it be connected on Jan 22, it's going to happen on Feb 12), and why it's going to cost $300.00 for the privilege. The service provided by a couple of Telstra's sub-contractors was speedy and efficient (which probably explains WHY they were speedy and efficient), with mere seconds past an hour and a half passing from the moment they turned up to dig the trench and lay the cable to the time I was paying them for a job well done.

Hey Troll Doll (my affectionate term for the chucklehead in charge of Telscrape). Do pieces fall of your "workers" when you ask them to do something? Fingers? Toes? Other appendages? Are they that precious, that fragile? Or have you worked out that being an infrastructure monopoly is yet another opportunity to gouge all and sundry at whim? Here's a thought, provide a quality and efficient service and maybe your share price won't suck wet granite through a straw, and maybe the public in general won't regard you personally as being fundamentally bad value for money.

What do you spend all that money on anyway? It sure as hell can't be on improving the search engine behind Whitepages.com.au and Yellowpages.com.au, because I've used both and, frankly speaking, the bucket of crap infesting Sensis is more appropriately labelled as a "search, search and search again" engine, and any positive results produced by it are probably the result of obscure planetary alignments and the disembowelling of a large number of chickens. What's next? "This search result proudly brought to you by Steggles" at the bottom of the page listing businesses in Brunswick and East Kew after I've asked for the telephone number of a financial adviser in Brighton?

Bah! Enjoy the $300.00 while it lasts you tick, 'coz we're jumping to another carrier just as soon as it's hooked up.

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