22 May 2008

A far view of close-up madness.

For some people religion and computing are naturally bound together like Laurel and Hardy, Love and Marriage or (for the truly poetic of spirit) Ham and Eggs. Most of these sorts of followers can be found kneeling at the Altar of Mac/Linux/BeOS/TRS80/Whatever, depending on the particular flavour of their digital religious persuasion. At any rate, some of these binary devotees have a deep and abiding love for the Amiga computer, and choose to express this love is any number of ways. Eric Schwartz is one such person, his comic creations are enough to fill a book (several of them in fact), and a little while ago he decided to create a tribute video a while ago as a testament to the computer platform that he loves despite the fact that the only people to see any significant degree of cash from it since Commodore went bust back in 1994 are a bunch of rampaging lawyers.

If you've seen the video, and have more than a passing clue about the Amiga scene, then you'd know that it's a pretty accurate summation of the events that have befallen the Amiga since 1994, and is in no way to be taken seriously. Some people however, despite prolonged exposure to the collective blatherings of the 'net, just don't get it or the ideas of irony or pathos. Rann at Livejournal is one such beastie, and shows in this post that he missed the boat, the point and the gold-plated clue-by-four when it was his for the taking. Subsequent posts also show that he lost his sense of humour, but that's his problem...

The Amiga is (un)dead! Long (un)live the Amiga!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Rann. Considering the way he is acting, I would not be surprised if he was at one time an avid amigan; but then when things looked hopeless, he jumped ship---not just starting to use a different platform in addition to his amiga (as most of us amigans have been forced to do), but regretfully concluding that the amiga was a dead end, and so he completely left it. Believing that he had no choice but totally to forsake the amiga, he has become bitter toward those who do still use it and keep the old spirit alive.

Of course, this is only a guess, and maybe way off the mark; but I've known some other people that fit this description, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case with Rann as well. He may simply be lashing out as a result of his own inner sadness and regret.