6 October 2008


Ahh, spring! How I love this time of year. The football season is a memory, finishing with my football team crashing out of the finals, the Grand Final's been and gone (and gone to bloody Hawthorn) and that brief 2 month period in the year when I don't have some form of lung infection is just around the corner. Love it! I am so looking forward to going through a day where I'm not trying to cough up a lung, my lunch, and the soles of my shoes. Of course, for a brief period of time things had the potential to be so much worse...

I have to admit that there was a small part of me that was a little disappointed when I got the result of my CT scan back with negative results. I was really looking forward to telling the tale of how, for a brief, shining moment in my life, my clumsiness was responsible for saving my life instead of trying to bring it to a premature and humiliating close. Sigh. Just once I thought that the pain, the frequent and hard to explain (to an audience that isn't collapsed in laughter) injuries, the indignity and the massive social cost would have been justified in some small measure. Instead my lungs, apart from being full of the byproduct of another chest infection, are totally clear of anything remotely threatening, and the fact that I trip over everything (including misplaced oxygen molecules) is but a part of the burden that I have to carry as part of being me.

My brother introduced me to an absolute gem of a web-site the other day, Encyclopedia Dramatica, which is what Wikipedia would be like if it were written by a crazed collection of smutty-minded, juvenile adolescents. Prowling through the pages on this site (such as entries for Melbourne, the United Nations, pwn and lulz) is to be let off the e-leash into a world where karmas are crushed, sacred cows are lined up for slaughter and dogmas of all varieties are subject to surprise buttsex. It's wildly entertaining in places, quite a lot of them in fact, but parts of it are also like the sensation you get when you hit your feet with a hammer time and time again - It feels so good when you stop. You must be cautious, some stuff there is not suitable for minors, not suitable for the office environment and probably not suitable for anyone who enjoys polite conversation. This place has many parts that are electronic equivalent of a toxic waste dump - It's rough, it's libelous, it's probably an abomination before the eyes of God and it's funny as hell.

Final warning:
It has direct links to goatse, and no! I won't be linking to it (or sleeping comfortably at at night ever again).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY a post! But did you have to remind me about Goatse?