3 April 2008


Jennifer and Krushna, those fun-loving Maidens of Pain, have managed to wring every last speck of pain-free existence from me. I'm really trying to think of any part of my much abused body that isn't screaming in pain at the moment and, other than my thinning head of hair, nothing is coming to me. It scares me to think that little more than 18 hours ago I felt much worse than the shambling wreck of humanity I am now.

Have you seen "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom"? Remember that schmuck that had his still beating heart torn from his chest before being thrown into a pool of lava, alive and screaming? Damn I envy him. Especially after being subjected to lunges. Which twisted son of a bitch thought of that brand of torture? I thought squats were bad. Hell, even my sessions with the amazingly misnamed "medicine ball" (medicine is supposed to make you feel better, at least in my book) pale in comparison to the brutal sadism that are lunges. I can see why my wife hates them so much, and I'm sorry I ignored her warnings about them.

Climbing stairs hurts. The process of sitting down hurts. The process of standing up hurts. Walking? That hurts too.


Anonymous said...

What are you whinging about - after my PT session yesterday BREATHING hurts!!!

Doug said...

I'm not surprised at all, given how crowded the trains and other means of Public Transport were after the weather finished playing havoc with things...

Oh, you mean the other 'PT', don't you?

Anonymous said...

So... do I have to offer the soul of my firstborn to get an update here?