27 March 2008

Pain and suffering at VU redux.

I've discovered the secret to making my exercise sessions at Victoria University even more miserable than before. I thought that, perhaps, I'd managed to plumb the depths of human misery over the last couple of weeks, and boy was I wrong.
  1. Take one serving of excruciating pain as long absent exercise makes its return and takes its toll on someone who, at best, can only be described as "hemi-demi-semi-muscular";
  2. Add rain;
  3. Add wind;
  4. Remove anything remotely resembling heat from the environment;
  5. Stir, chill and serve.
Yup, everything tells me that summer is gone and winter is giving me a sneak preview of things to come whilst I'm making my (reluctant) way to last night's training session. The only thing colder than the ride to last night's serving of pain with Jennifer and Krushna was the ride home again.

Can someone please explain why it seems that purchases of Tupperware are more important to the household (and my life, apparently) than purchases of sundry items of clothing, like rain pants? Got to work this morning after being stalled in traffic on Dynon Road that was more intensely clagged than is normal just in time to be utterly drenched in rain and hail that hit with a thud. It's more than 3.5 hours since I made my (soggy) way into the office - Thanks to everyone who laughed at me on the way in, I appreciate it - and my underpants are still damp from the ride. Too much information? Really? I thought that blogs and other aspects of Web 2.0 were made for personal minutiae like this. You'll just have to sit through your discomfort (in much the same way that I have to sit in mine) until it passes.

I'm stiff, sore, slightly damp and I don't wanna play any more...


Anonymous said...

I can't explain why rain clothes aren't a number one priority, but I can explain tupperware.

Tupperware is like lego for girls. It stacks up. Its like a really good fast computer - it makes everything work better. And it comes in really pretty colours :D MMMM... tupperware. I think I now have more than Jen does!!

Doug said...

You say that Tupperware is like Lego for girls. I have to disagree, both with your analogy and with your stereotyping of Lego as a "boys only" toy. :P

The truth of the matter is that Tupperware is like crack cocaine for just about anyone silly enough to get addicted to it, without the benefits of being illegal and/or easy to kick the habit.

I've seen the full-colour horror that is a "Tupperware baby", and believe me it's not a pretty sight...