24 June 2008

Proof that gulibility is also endless.

*Sigh* You would think that after 14 years or more of being on the internet and wading through the lies, bullshit and hype that I would have learned by now, but noo... Provide the right link with just the right amount of believability to it, especially if it involves an activist group with a certain reputation for zealotry to the cause, and have that link delivered by someone who I used to trust, and even I can get fished in.

Megan, I now have to sign you up for all manner of amazing offers for online ordering of prescription medication, surgery-free enlargement of various parts of human anatomy and red hot stock tips. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...


I will have to get Meg something extra special for Christmas!

Doug said...

*Sob You're not my real friend, you're a pretend friend.

Actually, thinking back on it for a while, it seems that all my friends treated me like this...

Why I'm not a brooding loner with a grudge, a list and a gun is beyond me. Maybe I should start taking steps.

Anonymous said...

I am a true friend and therefore allowed to laugh at your foibles. Its one of the benefits of a long-term relationship ;)

Doug said...

But, but, but... I don't laugh at your foibles.

Anonymous said...

Oh... that is such a lie, Douglas!!! I have SEEN you rolling on the floor laughing at me! Usually when you've just scared the bejeesus out of me!!!

Anonymous said...

Heh, it could have been worse... at least you weren't rickrolled. Google at your own peril...