23 June 2008

Proof that stupidity is endless...

Of course having a placard is a long, long way away from actually having a clue and this week those crazy kids from PETA have decided to put their hand up for the "I'm with Stupid" award for 2008. Even though they're almost certainly up against all manner of stiff competition this year, their most recent protest event is noteworthy for all the right reasons, not least of which is their effort to show a meeting -hall full of hard-core geeks that naked women really do exist outside of a .jpg file!

A quick search of PETA's web site fails to show any mention at all of their latest triumph of people power over the pervading darkness of human cruelty and depravity - I can only assume that the webmaster (or webmistress for that matter, I'm not fussy as long as they're dressed in leather... Oops. Too far?) will make the appropriate updates in due course. Until then however, I salute them!

Okay okay, I laugh helplessly at their expense...

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